PowerShell Hero Award
I have been Awarded the “PowerShell Hero” title!!
I am honored to have been awarded the Powershell Hero in this year 2015. I have difficulties to find the words, but I am extremely happy and proud to be part of the Powershell Heroes team of this year.Actually, I feel like saying one thing; “Woot Woot!”
For those who do not know what the PowerShell hero actually is, perhaps the quote from Dave Wyat, who is a Powershell MVP and admin on Powershell.org, might be able to give you more insight:
PowerShell Heroes is our (Powershell.Org) way of recognizing the people who are making significant contributions to the PowerShell community, but who haven’t received any other formal recognition (such as Microsoft’s MVP Award). In many cases, these are the rising stars we hope to see receive an MVP someday, but in all cases they’re out there, working hard to make a difference. They were nominated by their peers, and selected by the 2014 PowerShell Hero honorees.
The hero title is a great way to award individuals who spend a lot of time helping out the PowerShell community through any type of way (Fr
The Powershell Hero program from last year (2014) included 5 awarded heroes. In this year’s nomination, 9 of us got awarded the “Hero” title.
You will find here under the list of heroes from PowerShell.org, and also where they ‘hangout’.
- Stéphane Van Gulick (@stephanevg): Stéphane’s blog http://powershelldistrict.com got a lot of attention in this year’s nominations. He’s also organizing a PowerShell User Group, and has several useful PowerShell scripts that are freely available to download.
- Adam Bertram (@adbertram): Adam is also an extremely active blogger. His main site is http://www.adamtheautomator.com/ , but we’ve also seen articles from him on MCPMag. Aside from the general PowerShell love, Adam’s sharing a ton of knowledge about how to use PowerShell in tandem with System Center ConfigMgr, and he’s got some great career- and community-focused content as well.
- Micky Balladelli got a ton of love from the French-speaking PowerShell community this year, receiving more nominations than any other individual. His blog can be found at https://balladelli.com , and in particular, his “First Steps” article (https://balladelli.com/premiers-pas/) has been praised for helping systems administrators to learn PowerShell, even those who are completely new to scripting / programming. Toujours PowerShell!
- Mike Laughlin: As far as we can tell, Mike is actually a robot, who needs no sleep and is dedicated to helping people out on the TechNet forums. Seriously, the man’s racked up over fifty thousand points in less than two years, with more than half of his posts being tagged as either answers or helpful by the community. However, it’s not just about the numbers. His posts are friendly and he follows up on them, and it’s extremely common to see posters making comments like this in his threads: “Sweet! This is EXACTLY what I’m looking for, Thank you so much!” https://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/mike%20laughlin/
- Nickolaj Andersen (@NickolajA): Like Adam, Nickolaj has a particular focus on System Center ConfigMgr (as you might have guessed from his blog URL: http://www.scconfigmgr.com/ .) However, that involves lots of PowerShell, and there’s plenty of it on his blog (including many free scripts for download.) What we saw in his nominations, though, was how much time Nickolaj puts into personal communication with the community: emails, Skype chats, you name it. He’s out there, helping people to get things done.
- Matt Johnson (@mwjcomputing): Matt is the founder of the Southeast Michigan PowerShell User Group, and the lead developer of the PoshSec security framework. He’s heavily involved in communities – speaking and volunteering at conferences, doing podcasts, etc. – for both Systems Administration and Infosec. (something which, frankly, we all need to learn more about. Been paying attention to the news for the last year or two?) His blog can be found at http://www.mwjcomputing.com/ .
- Bob McCoy is constantly helping people to solve problems over at powershell.com and SpiceWorks. At any given time, you can fire up the http://community.spiceworks.com/programming/powershell orhttp://powershell.com/cs/forums/230.aspx forums, and we’d be very surprised if you didn’t see multiple threads with “Latest post by Bob McCoy” listed in both.
- June Blender (@juneb_get_help): If you use PowerShell, June has helped you, whether you know it or not! When she worked for Microsoft, she was responsible for much of the built-in documentation that we get by running the Get-Help command. She’s also always been active in blog posts and on Twitter, spreading the joy of PowerShell. These days, she’s a Technology Evangelist over at SAPIEN, where she continues to do so.
- Craig Duff is extremely active in the PowerShell forums over at SpiceWorks, usually the first person to respond to questions there. His solutions have been praised as clean, efficient and easy to understand, and there are lots and lots of them! (437 posts marked as “Best Answer”, as of this writing). His blog can be found at http://switch.nfshost.com/.
Congratulations to all of you! I know most of you guys already electronically and it has always been a pleasure :). For the ones I haven’t been in contact with (yet), I am looking forward to get in touch 🙂
Stéphane vg
Read more about it:
- PowerShell hero award creation annoucement –> http://powershell.org/wp/2013/09/20/nominate-your-powershell-hero/
- Announcing the PowerShell heroes 2014 –> http://powershell.org/wp/2014/01/08/announcing-our-2014-powershell-heroes/
- Announcing the Powershell heroes 2015 –> http://powershell.org/wp/2015/01/17/announcing-our-2015-powershell-heroes/
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