A very (very) short blog post because I recently installed the Technical preview of Windows 10. While re-installing all my applciations, I have been asked to install dotnet 3.5. I thought I would document it here.
How to install dotnet 3.5 on windows 10
There are several way’s of doing it,
- Graphically through the control panel (didn’t worked for me).
- Downloading it and installaing from the web. Somehow, that didn’t worked either for me.
- DISM –> that worked!
How to install dotnet 3.5 on Windows 10 using dism :
Simply mount the Windows 10 iso, or plug in the usb key drive and type in the following in a elevated powershell prompt :
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:sourcessxs
[stextbox id=”note”]Be sure that your ISO or usb key is pointing to D, otherwise be sure to adapt the line above[/stextbox].
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