How to generate a UML diagram using Powershell
Salutations! I have been working with Powershell Classes for a long time now. I tend to use them ALL-THE-TIME ! One thing that I realized that would be great to have, is a (UML) diagram [...]
A practical case for using a PowerShell Class
Translator I recently got curious about how a powershell class works. After digging a bit into it, I have to admit: I actually love it! Using a PowerShell class allows us to create PowerShell objects, [...]
How to deploy a vm using powercli New-OSCustomizationSpec and unattend.xml file
Recently I blogged how to deploy a VM on VMware platforms (such as Vsphere) using PowerCLI, and more specifically the New-OScustomizationSpec. I mentioned in that article, that indeed the New-OSCustomizationSpec helps to create a new [...]
Analyze Political data using Powershell
I recently pusblished my first official powershell module to the powershell Gallery Called RegardsCitoyensPS . RegardsCitoyenPS is a PowerShell Module that allow people to retrieve information from the French democratic process. For more details, click here. (This [...]
How to OSD tattoo a Windows image using PowerShell
Learn how to OSD tattoo your registry, WMI repository or/and environment variables of your windows images using this PowerShell script.
Un oeil sur la vie politique Française via RegardsCitoyenPS
À la grande surprise de mes lecteurs habituels (qui sont principalement anglophones), ce post est écrit en Français, puisque il s’adresse tout d’abord à tous ceux qui ont un intérêt de près ou de loin [...]
How to automate VMWare VM creation using powercli oscustomizationspec
Learn how to use powershell to deploy Virtual machines on VMWare Vsphere. With powercli oscustomizationspec it can be done in minutes!
The PowerShell Stack collection
Discover the powershell Stack collection (System.Collections.Stack) and see how it it can help with your daily scripting needs.
The powershell queue collection
Today I want to quickly talk about the systems.collections.queue collection when working with powershell queues. Why should we care about the system.collections.queue collection when working with powershell queues? Working with powershell, generally a simple array [...]
Starting your first Powershell Class project -> Managing Hosts File using PowerShell Classes
Learn how you can manage Hosts file with powershell. Add / remove entries to a local, or a remote hosts file using this module, based on powershell classes. ok ok ok ok… That sounds a bit [...]
Guest post swisscom ICT blog
For the ones that are curious what an implementation of Pester in a big environment could look like, I would recommend that you read my guest blog post on the Swisscom ICT blog available here. [...]
How to benefit from powershell class Inheritance?
Learn about powershell class inheritance through this web series about classes. 6 posts to grasp everything around powershell classes.
Using polymorphism in PowerShell Classes
Powershell version 5 has introduced classes. Polymorphism brings a great deal of flexibility. Learn here what it is, how to use it, and how to implement it.
learning regex
Regex is cool! It is true! Regex allows you to find specific chunks of text in a known sentence, file, document etc… Regex is really useful to parse big log files, to identify a specific [...]
Parsing the WindowsUpdate.log using PowerShell and regex
Read the windowsUpdate.log file using PowerShell and regex and find out which updates have been installed, and which errors have occured.
How to parse netsh advfirewall rules using windows powershell
Get the netsh advfirewall rules as objects on systems prior Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8 using this powershell function and regex parsing