Basel PowerShell UserGroup
Three days ago (17/08/2016) we had the honnor to have Ed & Teresa Wilson as Guests at our 6th Basel PowerShell User Group meeting (BPUG).
It was really a blast! We had around 25 attendees (For a small city such as Basel, that is pretty big!) with a lot of new faces, which is awesome. The User group starts to get knowned in Switzerland, and people are not afraid to travail from Zurich or Bern to come to our sessions. We even had people from Strasbourg, France, which is really great!
Ed covered two sessions of 45min talking about how easy it was to use DSC and OMS.
The code & slides are availble on our github (Ed’s slides will uploaded at the end of his tour).
Besides that, I have annonced another exciting topic: The creation of the FRPSUG.
In a nutshell, with a few other French speaking PowerShell MVP’s we have founded the (ze?) “French PowerShell User Group“.
If you want to learn more about the FRPSUG, you should go right here -> ze french powershell usergroup is born.
In the mean time, you can read have a glimps of the event through the pictures here under.
And I had the (super) surprise to realize Marc van Oursow (Aka MOW) was with us. This guy is really a hero to me! He is the person who developed the WMI browser. I am not sure if it was the first one, but it was the one I used the most when I started my career back in the days… I actually wrote a WMI explorer tool comparaison blog post a while ago. You will see his amazing work!
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