I am a bit late in announcing this since I have been traveling for holidays, but here it is! 😉

I am extremely proud to announce that I have been awarded the PowerShell MVP title on 1 th of July. After the PowerShell Hero, this is a second big surprise which makes the half past year of 2015 already full with accomplishments.

If you follow my blog, or my twitter ( @stephanevg ) you might know that I blog/write quite regularly on everything around and related to powershell. It started as a difficult project, transformed as a challenge, and finally mutated as a passion. And I got awarded with the highest recognition that I could dream of: The Microsoft MVP Award.

A big thanks to all the people that make this blog interesting to work on, and keep giving feedback on the different solutions I write and make available for the community. Also a big thank you to big experts like Fabien, FX, Dext, June, Guido, Emin with who I am in daily close contact and have some great powershell discussions.

There has been a lot done (Video recordings, writing modules, writing blog posts, creating the BPUG, teaching and learning), but there is still a lot coming: Other modules are almost finished, the next BPUG meeting has been scheduled mid august (more about that soon!) and so many drafts in my draft box, and so many new blogging ideas that I am not ready to stop 😉

Again, thanks a lot to you all!


Stéphane van Gulick from Switzerland