Have you ever needed to automate the printing of PDF documents? Well, you can do that using PDFCreator and powershell.
Indeed, PDFCreator (version 2.3.2) comes with an COM interface which you can use to automate almost everything with Powershell.
I summarized on this page the basics to get you started for your own pdfcreator and powershell automation needs.
If need to print webpages to pdf, I recommend you read my other article here.
With PDFCreator version 2.3.1, you can have access to a COM interface to for all the automation tasks. There are quite a few code samples in all the different languages you can dream of, but non of them are in Powershell. (This is why I took the initiative to write this blog post).
Read above to be sure you meet all the prerequisites needed for this to work.
The process is pretty simple, but when things are not documented, it make it a bit more difficult, but never impossible 😉
1 ) Create an instance of the PDFCreator.JobQueue
$PDFCreator = New-Object -ComObject PDFCreator.JobQueue
2 ) Initialize printer (this needs to be ‘after’ the page has been sent to the print by your application (in our case – Internet Explorer)
3) Wait for the print job to arrive to the printer
while ($PDFCreator.count -lt 1){
write-verbose ” No Print jobs found: $($PDFCreator.count). waiting 2sec more..”
start-sleep 2
4) get a hold on the print job
$PJ = $PDFCreator.NextJob
5) Add specific print options (optional)
You can find a complete list of all the profileSettings that can be set or read at the end of this article
6) Save the PDF document
7) Release de COM object
And that’s it. Put all of that together, and you can automate the printing of anything to PDF using Powershell and COM.
PDFCreator Powershell Profile Settings
Setting | Type | Description |
AuthorTemplate | String | Template for the Author field. This may contain tokens. |
FileNameTemplate | String | Template of which the filename will be created. This may contain Tokens. |
Guid | String | GUID of the profile |
Name | String | Name of the profile |
OpenViewer | Bool | Open the default viewer after converting the document |
OpenWithPdfArchitect | Bool | If the output is a PDF, use PDF Architect instead of the default PDF viewer |
OutputFormat | Enum | Default format for this print job. Valid values are: Pdf, PdfA1B, PdfA2B, PdfX, Jpeg, Png, Tif |
ShowProgress | Bool | If true, a progress window will be shown during conversion |
TitleTemplate | String | Template for the Title field. This may contain tokens. |
AttachmentPage | ||
Appends one or more pages at the end of the converted document | ||
AttachmentPage.Enabled | Bool | Enables the AttachmentPage action |
AttachmentPage.File | String | Filename of the PDF that will be appended |
BackgroundPage | ||
Adds a page background to the resulting document | ||
BackgroundPage.Enabled | Bool | Enables the BackgroundPage action |
BackgroundPage.File | String | Filename of the PDF that will be used as background |
BackgroundPage.OnAttachment | Bool | If true, the background will be placed on the attachment as well |
BackgroundPage.OnCover | Bool | If true, the background will be placed on the cover as well |
BackgroundPage.Repetition | Enum | Defines the way the background document is repeated. Valid values are: NoRepetition, RepeatAllPages, RepeatLastPage |
CoverPage | ||
Inserts one or more pages at the beginning of the converted document | ||
CoverPage.Enabled | Bool | Enables the CoverPage action |
CoverPage.File | String | Filename of the PDF that will be inserted |
EmailClient | ||
Opens the default E-mail client with the converted document as attachment | ||
EmailClient.AddSignature | Bool | Add the PDFCreator signature to the mail |
EmailClient.Content | String | Body text of the E-mail |
EmailClient.Enabled | Bool | Enables the EmailClient action |
EmailClient.Recipients | String | The list of receipients of the E-mail, i.e. info@someone.com; me@mywebsite.org |
EmailClient.Subject | String | Subject line of the E-mail |
EmailSmtp | ||
Sends a mail without user interaction through SMTP | ||
EmailSmtp.AddSignature | Bool | Add the PDFCreator signature to the mail |
EmailSmtp.Address | String | E-mail address that is displayed as sender |
EmailSmtp.Content | String | Body text of the mail |
EmailSmtp.Enabled | Bool | If true, this action will be executed |
EmailSmtp.Password | String | Password that is used to authenticate at the server |
EmailSmtp.Port | Int | SMTP server port |
EmailSmtp.Recipients | String | The list of receipients of the E-mail, i.e. info@someone.com; me@mywebsite.org |
EmailSmtp.SameTextAsClientMail | Bool | If true, the body of the EmailClient action will be used |
EmailSmtp.Server | String | Hostname or IP address of the SMTP server |
EmailSmtp.Ssl | Bool | If true, the connection will be encrypted with SSL (must be supported by the server) |
EmailSmtp.Subject | String | Subject line of the E-mail |
EmailSmtp.UserName | String | User name that is used to authenticate at the server |
Ftp | ||
Upload the converted documents with FTP | ||
Ftp.Directory | String | Target directory on the server |
Ftp.Enabled | Bool | If true, this action will be executed |
Ftp.EnsureUniqueFilenames | Bool | If true, files with the same name will not be overwritten on the server. A counter will be appended instead (i.e. document_2.pdf) |
Ftp.Password | String | Password that is used to authenticate at the server |
Ftp.Server | String | Hostname or IP address of the FTP server |
Ftp.UserName | String | User name that is used to authenticate at the server |
Ghostscript | ||
Ghostscript settings | ||
Ghostscript.AdditionalGsParameters | String | These parameters will be provided to Ghostscript in addition to the PDFCreator parameters |
JpegSettings | ||
Settings for the JPEG output format | ||
JpegSettings.Color | Enum | Number of colors. Valid values are: Color24Bit, Gray8Bit |
JpegSettings.Dpi | Int | Resolution of the JPEG files |
JpegSettings.Quality | Int | Quality factor of the resulting JPEG (100 is best, 0 is worst) |
PdfSettings | ||
Settings for the PDF output format | ||
PdfSettings.ColorModel | Enum | Color model of the PDF (does not apply to images). Valid values are: Rgb, Cmyk, Gray |
PdfSettings.DocumentView | Enum | Defines which controls will be opened in the reader. Valid values are: NoOutLineNoThumbnailImages, Outline, ThumbnailImages, FullScreen, ContentGroupPanel, AttachmentsPanel |
PdfSettings.FastWebView | Bool | If true, the PDF will be linearized, which allows the first pages to be displayed even if the rest of the document still is loading. |
PdfSettings.PageOrientation | Enum | Define how pages are automatically rotated. Valid values are: Automatic, Portrait, Landscape |
PdfSettings.PageView | Enum | Defines how the document will be opened in the reader. Valid values are: OnePage, OneColumn, TwoColumnsOddLeft, TwoColumnsOddRight, TwoPagesOddLeft, TwoPagesOddRight |
PdfSettings.ViewerStartsOnPage | Int | Defines the page number the viewer will start on when opening the document |
CompressColorAndGray | ||
Compression settings for color and greyscale images | ||
PdfSettings.CompressColorAndGray.Compression | Enum | Settings for the compression method. Valid values are: Automatic, JpegMaximum, JpegHigh, JpegMedium, JpegLow, JpegMinimum, JpegManual, Zip |
PdfSettings.CompressColorAndGray.Dpi | Int | Images will be resampled to this maximum resolution of the images, if resampling is enabled |
PdfSettings.CompressColorAndGray.Enabled | Bool | If true, color and grayscale images will be processed according to the algorithm. If false, they will remain uncompressed |
PdfSettings.CompressColorAndGray.JpegCompressionFactor | Double | Define a custom compression factor (requires JpegManual as method) |
PdfSettings.CompressColorAndGray.Resampling | Bool | If true, the images will be resampled to a maximum resolution |
CompressMonochrome | ||
Compression settings for monochrome images | ||
PdfSettings.CompressMonochrome.Compression | Enum | Settings for the compression method. Valid values are: CcittFaxEncoding, Zip, RunLengthEncoding |
PdfSettings.CompressMonochrome.Dpi | Int | Images will be resampled to this maximum resolution of the images, if resampling is enabled |
PdfSettings.CompressMonochrome.Enabled | Bool | If true, monochrome images will be processed according to the algorithm. If false, they will remain uncompressed |
PdfSettings.CompressMonochrome.Resampling | Bool | If true, the images will be resampled to a maximum resolution |
Security | ||
PDF Security options | ||
PdfSettings.Security.AllowPrinting | Bool | Allow to user to print the document |
PdfSettings.Security.AllowScreenReader | Bool | Allow to user to use a screen reader |
PdfSettings.Security.AllowToCopyContent | Bool | Allow to user to copy content from the PDF |
PdfSettings.Security.AllowToEditAssembly | Bool | Allow to user to make changes to the assembly |
PdfSettings.Security.AllowToEditComments | Bool | Allow to user to edit comments |
PdfSettings.Security.AllowToEditTheDocument | Bool | Allow to user to edit the document |
PdfSettings.Security.AllowToFillForms | Bool | Allow to user to fill in forms |
PdfSettings.Security.Enabled | Bool | If true, the PDF file will be password protected |
PdfSettings.Security.EncryptionLevel | Enum | Defines the encryption level. Valid values are: Rc40Bit, Rc128Bit, Aes128Bit |
PdfSettings.Security.OwnerPassword | String | Password that can be used to modify the document |
PdfSettings.Security.RequireUserPassword | Bool | If true, a password is required to open the document. |
PdfSettings.Security.RestrictPrintingToLowQuality | Bool | If true, only printing in low resolution will be supported |
PdfSettings.Security.UserPassword | String | Password that must be used to open the document (if set) |
Signature | ||
Digitally sign the PDF document | ||
PdfSettings.Signature.AllowMultiSigning | Bool | If true, the PDF file may be signed by additional persons |
PdfSettings.Signature.CertificateFile | String | Path to the certificate |
PdfSettings.Signature.DisplaySignatureInDocument | Bool | If true, the signature will be displayed in the PDF file |
PdfSettings.Signature.Enabled | Bool | If true, the signature will be displayed in the PDF document |
PdfSettings.Signature.LeftX | Int | Signature location: Top left corner (X part) |
PdfSettings.Signature.LeftY | Int | Signature location: Top left corner (Y part) |
PdfSettings.Signature.RightX | Int | Signature location: Bottom right corner (X part) |
PdfSettings.Signature.RightY | Int | Signature location: Bottom right corner (Y part) |
PdfSettings.Signature.SignContact | String | Contact name of the signature |
PdfSettings.Signature.SignLocation | String | Signature location |
PdfSettings.Signature.SignReason | String | Reason for the signature |
PdfSettings.Signature.SignatureCustomPage | Int | If the signature page is set to custom, this property defines the page where the signature will be displayed |
PdfSettings.Signature.SignaturePage | Enum | Defines the page on which the signature will be displayed. Valid values are: FirstPage, LastPage, CustomPage |
PdfSettings.Signature.SignaturePassword | String | Password for the certificate file |
PdfSettings.Signature.TimeServerIsSecured | Bool | Set to true, if the time server needs authentication |
PdfSettings.Signature.TimeServerLoginName | String | Login name for the time server |
PdfSettings.Signature.TimeServerPassword | String | Password for the time server |
PdfSettings.Signature.TimeServerUrl | String | URL of a time server that provides a signed timestamp |
PngSettings | ||
Settings for the PNG output format | ||
PngSettings.Color | Enum | Number of colors. Valid values are: Color32BitTransp, Color24Bit, Color8Bit, Color4Bit, Gray8Bit, BlackWhite |
PngSettings.Dpi | Int | Resolution of the PNG files |
Printing | ||
Print the document to a physical printer | ||
Printing.Duplex | Enum | Defines the duplex printing mode. Valid values are: Disable, LongEdge, ShortEdge |
Printing.Enabled | Bool | If enabled, the document will be printed to a physical printer |
Printing.PrinterName | String | Name of the printer that will be used, if SelectedPrinter is set. |
Printing.SelectPrinter | Enum | Method to select the printer. Valid values are: DefaultPrinter, ShowDialog, SelectedPrinter |
Scripting | ||
The scripting action allows to run a script after the conversion | ||
Scripting.Enabled | Bool | If true, the given script or application will be executed |
Scripting.ParameterString | String | Parameters that will be passed to the script in addition to the output files |
Scripting.ScriptFile | String | Path to the script or application |
Scripting.WaitForScript | Bool | Wait until the script excution has ended |
Stamping | ||
Place a stamp text on all pages of the document | ||
Stamping.Color | Color | Color of the text |
Stamping.Enabled | Bool | If true, the document all pages will be stamped with a text |
Stamping.FontAsOutline | Bool | If true, the text will be rendered as outline. If false, it will be filled. |
Stamping.FontName | String | Name of the font. (this is only used as a hint, the PostScriptFontName contains the real name) |
Stamping.FontOutlineWidth | Int | Width of the outline |
Stamping.FontSize | Float | Size of the font |
Stamping.PostScriptFontName | String | PostScript name of the stamp font. |
Stamping.StampText | String | Text that will be stamped |
TiffSettings | ||
Settings for the TIFF output format | ||
TiffSettings.Color | Enum | Number of colors. Valid values are: Color24Bit, Color12Bit, Gray8Bit, BlackWhite |
TiffSettings.Dpi | Int | Resolution of the TIFF files |
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